Mar 14 2025

Elderly health research center

Tehran University of Medical Sciences

  • تاریخ انتشار : Jan 7 2025 - 12:14
  • تعداد بازدید کنندگان خبر : 14
  • زمان مطالعه : 6 minute(s)

The first national and international congress on policy-making and the latest advancements in health in the field of aging was h

Increase in life expectancy requires strengthening the infrastructure for elderly health

Dr. Seyed Reza Raeis Karami, the Acting President of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, said at the first national and international congress on policy-making and the latest advancements in health in the field of aging: 'Increasing life expectancy requires strengthening the infrastructure for elderly health

Here is the accurate translation of the provided text:

According to Sina Media, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, the first national and international congress on policy-making and the latest advancements in health in the field of aging was held on October 2, 2024, hosted by the university, with the participation of policymakers, researchers, and experts in elderly health.

Dr. Seyed Reza Raeis Karami, the Acting President of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, in his speech, emphasized the country's demographic changes and the significant increase in the elderly population, stressing the need for smart and sustainable policy-making to achieve healthy aging.

He reminded the audience of recent demographic changes, saying: "In past decades, our priority was to meet the needs of the youth by creating infrastructures such as schools, universities, housing, and employment. However, today, with the increase in life expectancy, we must shift our focus towards providing health and welfare services for the elderly population."

Dr. Raeis Karami, referring to the significant improvement in health indicators and its positive impact on increasing life expectancy, added: "The infant mortality rate has decreased from 26.1 deaths per thousand births in the early years after the Islamic Revolution to 8.1 deaths per thousand births in 2024. This number has reached 5.41 in the areas covered by Tehran University of Medical Sciences, which is better than the national average. Additionally, life expectancy has increased from 55 years to about 72 years in men and 76 years in women. This progress is the result of the improvement of the national health system and the development of healthcare service networks."

The Acting President of the University emphasized the importance of reviewing this system to better meet the needs of the elderly and said: "The increase in the aging phenomenon and age-related diseases requires strengthening the elderly health infrastructure. We need to integrate infectious diseases, elderly health, and rehabilitation into the health service network to provide more comprehensive services to the community and improve the quality of life for the elderly."

He considered holding this congress an important step towards advancing policies on elderly health and expressed hope that the results of this meeting would lead to the formulation of effective and comprehensive policies in this field.

Dr. Raeis Karami pointed out: "With the collaboration of experts and scholars, we can chart a clear path for the future of the country's elderly and move towards a healthier and more dynamic society."

30% of the country's population will be elderly by 2031

Following that, Dr. Alireza Namazi, an aging specialist and the head of the congress, commemorating International Older Persons Day, examined the profound impact of the aging population on the social, economic, and cultural structure of the country, stating: "Aging in Iran is a very important and complex issue, and it is expected that by 2031, about 30% of the country's population will be over 60 years old."

Dr. Namazi considered Tehran University of Medical Sciences as a pioneer in establishing geriatrics departments and emphasized the urgent need for specialized training in this field, adding: "Although geriatric medicine has been taught since 2009, there is still a need for specialized training for the groups related to elderly health."

The head of the congress stressed the importance of insurance coverage in providing elderly access to healthcare and said: "Health insurance coverage increases the elderly's access to healthcare services, treatment, and rehabilitation."

The congress president noted that addressing the needs of the elderly requires collaboration and coordination among policymakers, universities, and health and medical centers, adding: "Through education and raising public awareness, we can help improve the quality of life for the elderly."

70% of the elderly suffer from high blood pressure

Next, Dr. Baqer Larijani, head of the Endocrine and Metabolism Research Center and the Medical Ethics and History Research Center of the university, emphasized the need to focus on the quality of life of the elderly and said: "In the future, Iran will have the largest elderly population, with approximately 30% of the population over 60 years old. Policymakers must pay attention to all aspects of the elderly's lives to maintain their dignity."

Dr. Larijani, explaining the results of the elderly health cohort study in Bushehr, said: "Based on this study, many elderly people in the country suffer from diseases common in this age group. Seventy percent of those over 60 have high blood pressure, 50% have diabetes, and 60% suffer from high cholesterol."

Dr. Larijani considered bone fractures to be one of the serious problems of aging, adding: "25% of those who suffer a hip fracture due to osteoporosis die within the first month, and 50% of them die within the first year. The rest become dependent on their families for the continuation of their lives."

Dr. Larijani explained that the management of elderly health can benefit from the models of developed countries.

Emphasis on the necessity of home care and nursing programs

Next, Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Nashti, CEO of the Health Insurance Organization, stated: "Aging is a natural part of the human life process and cannot be stopped, but with proper and simple care, this process can be turned into dynamic aging."

Dr. Nashti defined aging as including three processes: physical, psychological, and social aging. He emphasized the importance of home care for the elderly, stating: "Before needing hospitalization, the elderly require home care. Therefore, the Ministry of Health, Health Insurance Organization, and Welfare Organization must implement home care and nursing programs in the fields of treatment, insurance, and welfare services."

Dr. Nashti referred to the elderly health costs in 2024 and said: "35% of all hospitalization costs belong to the elderly. Therefore, in the coming decades, the healthcare sector will become more expensive for families."

94% of elderly in Tehran suffer from chronic diseases

Then, Dr. Ahmad Delbari, President of the Iranian Geriatrics Society, referred to the differences in the aging population slopes in various countries and said: "Some countries faced aging gradually, while in Iran, this process will take less than 20 years. Therefore, we must quickly develop the infrastructure and resources to cope with this emerging demographic phenomenon."

Dr. Delbari, stating that approximately 94% of elderly people in Tehran suffer from at least one disease and around 80% face two or more chronic diseases simultaneously, added: "The most common diseases among the elderly include hypertension, musculoskeletal diseases, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular diseases."

Dr. Delbari considered population aging as a sign of the significant achievements of the healthcare and insurance systems and said: "Since healthcare costs increase significantly during the elderly period, evidence-based planning and policymaking are even more necessary."

This congress, attended by both domestic and international experts and with the presentation of articles and the latest research findings in the field of aging, is considered an important step forward for the future of the country's health and the welfare of the elderly.

  • کد خبر : 288181
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Horieh Soltani

Horieh Soltani

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